As per our guarantee on our website, if you are entirely
unsatisfied, then we will offer you a 100% no-questions-asked money
back guarantee. This offer is valid for 60 days. After that, the refund
period expires. To request a refund, please contact our billing
you have ordered the shipped package of our product, then please read
the following below on shipping times and shipping refunds:
shipping times will vary across different countries. We charge a flat
$5 USD fee for shipping to most countries in the world, but the times
will vary, as we dispatch from Australia. We dispatch the next business
day, after your order is placed. You also get access to the member's
section. You will receive notifications on the status of your order.
Refunds will be issued on the product itself (i.e. not the cost of
shipping and handling).
Tech support and refund requests will be handled through our payment
processors ticketing system. |